WP Fastest Cache Premium v1.7.0

When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, system needs RAM and CPU.
If many visitors come to a site, system uses lots of RAM and CPU so page is rendered so slowly.In this case, you need a cache system not to render page again and again. Cache system generates a static html file and saves. Other users reach to static html page.

Discover the features of WP Fastest Cache Premium and be aware the difference with other plugins.

WP Fastest Cache WordPress Plugin

This plugin creates fixed html files beside you brawny WordPress blog.
When a page is rendered, php and mysql are used. Therefore, dictation wants RAM and CPU.
If dense site visitors enter in imitation of a site, law uses plenty regarding RAM then CPU hence page is celebrated hence slowly.
In that case, you need a cache law no longer in imitation of arrange web page again or again.
Cache rule generates a set html bring and saves. Other users reach in accordance with certain html page.

Setup regarding it plugin is so easy. You don’t want in accordance with modify the .htacces file. It desire remain modified automatically.


Wpfc does now not help WordPress Multisite yet.


  1. Mod_Rewrite who is the quickest technique is used into this plugin
  2. All cache documents are deleted then a put up yet page is published
  3. Admin be able extrude every cached documents beside the preferences page
  4. Admin may weed minified css then js files from the choices page
  5. Block cache because of precise page yet submit along Short Code
  6. Cache Timeout – All cached archives are deleted at the determinated time
  7. Cache Timeout because of precise pages
  8. Enable/Disable cache alternative because mobile devices
  9. Enable/Disable cache choice because logged-in users
  10. SSL support
  11. CDN support
  12. Cloudflare support
  13. Preload Cache – Create the cache on entire the web page automatically
  14. Exclude pages or user-agents


  1. Generating stationary html files beyond your potential WordPress blog
  2. Minify Html – You can decrease the quantity on page
  3. Minify Css – You may reduce the size of css files
  4. Enable Gzip Compression – Reduce the quantity concerning documents despatched beyond thy server in conformity with increase the speed to which they are transferred in accordance with the browser.
  5. Leverage browser caching – Reduce page burden instances because repeat visitors
  6. Combine CSS – Reduce wide variety on HTTP round-trips by means of combining multiple CSS sources within one
  7. Combine JS
  8. Disable Emoji – You can quote the emoji inline css and wp-emoji-release.min.js


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  • Suomi (by Arhi Paivarinta)
  • Svenska (by Linus Wileryd)
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WP Fastest Cache Premium v1.7.0